Essential Autumn Rituals to Create Wellness

    5 Essential Autumn Yoga and Ayurvedic Rituals

Autumn is my favourite season, probably because its my birth month but I do love the freshness of the air (Vata energy) and with this I gain more energy. I love boots, scarfs, soups, fires. listening to Enya and long Autumn walks.
But on a deeper level I’m also drawn to my ancestors, to sacred teachings, to sacred guardians of the land and also to honour memories of gratitude for my grandparents, mother and father and my beautiful children for all they have taught me. And I have this innate pull to clean out my stuff in the house and in my body. The stuff that is just sitting for years on I don’t use or feel immense love for anymore.
For Autumn is our reminder to prepare for death. To release and let go all that we don’t need or love anymore in our life, so we can allow space for new creations for new growth in Spring. With no space their is no growth and no new beginnings.As the leaves fall off the trees, to bare their souls to winter we too need to follow these seasonal changes. Our Summer habits cannot stay with us anymore to stay well. 
Learn how you can nourish yourself with Ayurveda and Yoga

 My 5 Essential Autumn Rituals

The Sun Ain’t Shining Anymore ? How to Shine Your Sun.

With all this amazing rain around us, creating dampness, humidity and out of control wilderness.

rain woman

How can you Ignite your Flame and Shine Out Your Sun to the World.

Jane shares her “Shining Your Sun Tips”

  1. 1. Music is such a powerful tool lift one’s mood and add Mantra give yourself a Sunshine Cocktail as your dull thoughts start to be Polished and Shine through your whole being. Listen~ Chant the Gyatri Mantra while you Shine Your Sun through these following practices.

  2. All things Citrus ~ Oranges, Limes, Lemons, Mandarins, Grapefruit.  Create A great Shining Bowl of these wondrous fruits centre stage to lift your spirit. Definitely eat a few a day.village_cafe_oranges_lemons_deia

  3.  Burn Citrus oils Orange, Lime, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lemongrass. So So uplifting plus boosts the immune system.  Citrus Shine Oil Blend Recipe.

  4.  Deeper Breaths, breathe in your citrus blend. Hold that last Breath to increase your Shine. As you let go of your last breath. Feel your spirit lift out of the fog and shine.

  5. Scrub and Detox ~ Hair and Scalp, Face Exfoliation, Body exfoliation. Masque them all up. Bathe in Epsom Salts and blended Citrus with oil. Shine Like a New Born Baby. Scrub Recipes  

  6. Clean your crystals Clear Quartz and Citrine are great for bringing light into your life. Place them intentionally in your home or wear them or carry them in your pocket.citrine

  7. Now you are ready for Sun Yoga practice.Warm up with rounds Surya Namaskar. Move into my Mood Changer Yoga practice.

    4 Powerful Yoga poses that will change YOU and Shine Your Sun to the World.

Tree Pose High Lunge Twist Camel Pose Half Shoulderstand

Yoga Teacher Moments

You Feel Your Body is Packing It In.

Open Your Eyes and Simply Look at Your Daily Life My Love.

I often get asked as a Yoga Teacher at My Yoga Women
“What can I do for sore backs, joint pains, fatigue, depression, indigestion, eyes, headaches and the list is long.

Students come to me so enthusiastically  and good intentioned requesting my advice for  their multiple ailments.

I don’t want to disappoint so I dutifully give them an unending list of Yoga practices for their daily well intentioned routines.

But I know the truth is so much simpler. We have the audacity to expect our joints, our muscles, tissues and cells to be happy and thrive sitting for hours, months, years of our lives and then we are surprised when they start to call out for HELP.

We go to the Gym, Pilates, Yoga, Dance, Run on concrete paths or treadmills, once, twice or maybe three times per week and honestly believe if we do this our bodies should be happy.

Even though they have been sitting for 50,0000 hours or more for years and years.

We delude ourselves thinking it’s age, genes and we kid ourselves it’s inevitable.

But it’s so so simple we just simply overlook it.

And there is only one truth that flows through me for everyone of us in our first world lives.

That movement is the number one key linked to our wellness and lots of restorative rest.

Sole Sisters

Sole Sisters

” My dear just reflect on your daily life and go take a walk. You know the kind where you are on earth, sand and rock and take your time, maybe an hour or three. Then have a break and kick off your shoes to feel the earth between your toes and take a squat it’s so good for your hips, back and pelvic floor.  Check out the view lie down and watch the clouds drift by and the colours of our
Big Beautiful Sky.
Breathe in the Joy and drift into a nap a real long one and savour every precious moment. Now all you need is a dip in the deep blue sea, a long long drink, a yummy meal and a
Big Big Love n Hug.
Try this everyday and your guaranteed to feel so much JOY
your body n mind will be blown away with sweet happiness.

If you need more there is always more. Join us at My Yoga Women

For sore eyes and headaches, shut down all technology for a day or week and seek out only beautiful  views, blink and rotate your neck for heaven’s sake and drink H20. Then dive in the Ocean every chance you have.

For indigestion, reflux, constipation, move of course much more, eat only in beautiful surroundings and only food from our wonderful earth.

For backs, joints, fatigue and depression get into the sun, sea and bush and move, breathe for an hour at least every day.

Sleep my dear ones for hours and hours. More than 8 hours a night, more like 10 hours. The body needs to sleep to shut down to dream, to die a little, to repair, to be fully unconscious.

The root cause of so many of our problems is just simply, so simple lack of movement and authentic rest.

Yes getting off my backside now and going to the beach. Join us at Sole Sisters

With Love n Sleep and Forever Movement

Jane Reynolds

Making Life Choices

DecisionsI just don’t know what to do?
I’m so confused.
Is this you?
Are you in turmoil unable to make those big life decisions.
Are you obsessing, confused, pressured, anxious and torn between pleasing others and yourself. Or are you just completely blocked.
Do you have a flood of chaos racing through your mind of ” Will I or Wont I.”
You have asked your family, friends, work mates, your naturopath, your hairdresser and of course the barista.Now you are utterly exhausted and even more confused than ever by all the advice you have received.
Hold on my love. STOP!
How can you expect to make the best life decisions for yourself with a body,mind
and heart constantly seeking outwardly on survival mode just to get through every day.
Your head needs space, loads of space.
Your heart needs to be open, to be soft and receptive.
Your body needs rest, stillness, nourishment and love.

My dear woman get into your cave and listen deeply.
CaveA woman’s cave is your sanctuary, be it your bed, your bath, your garden, your beach, your tent, or even the back seat of the car.
Anywhere can be your special space. Just be with you, feel safe and nourished. Stop and be still my love and be on your own, as your own inner wisdom knows.She knows the right answers for you.
As winter draws us inward do not ignore the natural rhythms of the seasons as the moon darkens.For this is time for our greatest and deepest insights.Winter represents death and darkness and visiting the dark night of our soul gives us an opportunity to dissolve and release and grow. The light will always flow through so allow time for those big life decisions to evolve and listen deeply my love.
Follow these practices, have a pen and paper on hand to write down any insights that flow through you.
1. Consciously Breathe
Consciously from the very beginning of inhalation to the last second of exhalation.
Slow each breath and create a even inhalation and exhalation.
Move the breath down to the belly breathing in for 1 2 3 seconds out for 1 2 3 seconds for 15 breaths.
Take a few natural breaths and repeat
Say to yourself : “Breathing in calm and peace.
“Breathing out all the tensions and fears”
Notice how your mind just after moments slows down creating an inner calmness.

2. Open your Heart and Whisper
Place your right hand over your left chest and feel your heart as you breathe.
Repeating 3 – 5 rounds with each breath
May I be calm
May I be peaceful
May I be loved
May I hear my truth

3. Ask and Listen Deeply
Continue your slow breathing practice. Come into stillness.
Close your eyes. Ask for guidance.
Am I coming from the loving space of my heart ?
What is the feeling I’m seeking with this decision ?
Will this decision nurture me ?
Is this right for me now ?
Is this right for me?
“I love myself and I am making the right choices”
“My own inner wisdom knows the right answers for me”
From my own experience answers come through in many forms, dreams, sickness, thoughts, yoga practice, a song, magazine story, news headline, a knock at the door, the post, email, a phone call, an old friend shows up, journal writing or drawing.
Be patient. Have your senses open, be aware of your feelings, spend time with just you and listen deeply.
When answers don’t flow and you are not progressing or unable to discern, obsessional thoughts from insightful ones, working with a therapist may be very helpful.
The key message is to take time, get into the cave and ask for guidance, listen deeply, don’t let others pressure you, trust and love yourself and your inner wisdom will shine.

To share these practices and to connect with your inner wisdom join Jane at

Jane Reynolds
Yoga Teacher

Nourished Happy Women


Nourished Happy Women.

7 daily essential ingredients to keep your soul happy.

1. GRATITUDE: On waking bring in gratitude for everything you have right now and affirm what you will do today to nurture yourself.

2. JOYFUL MOVEMENT : Everyday, find what gives you joy. (Walk, dance, play, cycle, trampoline, hoola hoop, swim, Yoga)

3. SHAVASANA: Lie on your back and  restore yourself every day, for at least  10 minutes. (Focus on the body, breath ,senses and positive affirmations.)

4. GET OUTSIDE play and breathe: Absorb the elements for  1 hr every day. ( Sun, wind, trees, grass, rocks, earth,  sand ocean and sky. Your garden of Eden.)

5. NOURISH THY BODY: 95% of food you consume needs to be fresh, full of life and love. (avoid dead packaged food). Add three more cups vegetables /day. Avoid cane sugar. When you have a treat be fully present and enjoy it with no guilt. EPSOM SALT BATH daily for 20mins. You have no bath? soak your feet. Treat your skin with Aromatherapy and regular massages.

6. RESTORATIVE SLEEP: A good nights sleep is the biggest prevention of disease and a healthy mind and body. Bed before 11pm. Avoid all technology, News and violent movies before sleep. Read an inspiring story or journal. Write a list of affirmations. Have your bath. 

7. AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS : Spend time with  women and men that empower you, support and nurture you. Avoid anyone who drains your energy or change the way you relate to them. 

To further nourish your soul join our like minded women at our Monthly Divine  Feminine  circle /womens-circle and truly empower yourself and feed your soul.                  

Why I Love “my yoga women”

I love the seasons, I particularly love when each season is changing, which brings my attention to my own cycles, my own life rhythms, the way I’m growing and changing as a woman, the way I practice Yoga and live it.
For this is yoga with my yoga women. My yoga sisters in class are growing and changing with the seasons, they are fulfilling dreams and this is truly magical to witness as a teacher.
Many of my yoga sisters have been practicing with me now for 8 years, we have practiced hundreds of hours of Asana, Yogic breaths, Yoga nidra. Some have gone walkabout for a while but usually come back committed more than ever.
Oh how we have changed through our cycles, how we are in tune with each other, we have an unwritten trust and we emerge through obstacles we never dreamed of.
In my Aries nature I will embark on a new frontier, another Arian Jane idea, and they come along for the ride. Our usual yoga circle will dissolve into a yoga women’s dance rave, a Ladies night out, a night with the goddesses, yoga in moonlight, yoga in the mist on top of a mountain, chanting and kirtan, an astrology reading, a poem and my beloved monthly divine feminine circle.
Yes this is not a standard yoga class. We are strongly feminine, we are strongly powerful and some nights in class the energy is so potent, our Oms trigger natural events and we may need to even howl.
The classic strong asana practices still emerges when the moon calls, but its always balanced with a feminine touch.
Though many students are close friends now, I loved a comment a student made when she invited a new friend to class. “My yoga women is so nonjudgmental, you can be young, old, you can wear anything, you can be fat, skinny, need heaps of props or just do your own thing and everyone is so friendly.”
It’s truly a beautiful thing, we are just so comfortable within our own bodies. In class we are not out to compete, to take center stage, or be perfect in anyone else’s eyes. This is the power of women I love and so with this a much deeper connection evolves and we hold spiritual space for each other in nights of need and we have joy and laughter often when asana grips us to seriously.
My passion for my yoga women is to support women to radically care for themselves and to empower women to fulfill their dreams and create connections with other amazing women.
If you feel this is what you need now in your life join us in class or for our monthly divine feminine circle.

I have a strong sense of humour.
I don’t get stressed on the small stuff.
I completely honour our amazing physical body.
I fully respect the potency of the teachings from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

With my deepest love to all my yoga sisters
Jane Reynolds
